Read Your Lease!

Read Your Lease!

Read Your Lease!

If you are living in an apartment with more people than provided for on the lease, but the landlord knowingly accepts rent checks from the extra parties, does this constitute a sort of “oral agreement” in which the landlord must abide the same laws governing his relationship with the other tenants? More simply, if he accepts my rent check as one of the “extra parties,” can he still “evict me” because I’m not on the lease?

Ah, leases…scintillating, page tuning reading, NOT! Imagine a Broadway musical called, “Lease!” No amount of nudity could keep it from flopping.* Unfortunately you need to understand your lease to answer many questions about your tenancy. So my general advice to tenants is: “Read your lease.”

Most leases have a clause governing assignment and subletting. Interestingly, many tenants think that subletting only occurs when one vacates an entire unit and turns it over to somebody else. When you add or replace roommates you are subletting part of the unit, so the subletting cause in your lease applies.

Typical leases provide that tenants may not sublet without the written consent of the landlord.

Assuming your lease is typical; your case is relatively straightforward. Your landlord accepted and presumably cashed your check. It’s likely that he signed the back of it when he deposited it into the bank. By accepting rent directly from you he has waived (given up) his right to evict you and your roommates for breach of the covenant against subletting.

We lawyers also argue that by his conduct of directly accepting your check, the landlord is estopped (prohibited) from claiming that he did not accept your tenancy.

The landlord may attempt to serve you and your roommates a 3-day notice to perform covenant or quit for breaching the lease. If you don’t move out after 3-days, theoretically he can serve an unlawful detainer (eviction) lawsuit to evict everybody. A landlord cannot legally evict one tenant in the premises; he must sue to get possession of the entire unit.

Given what you’ve told me, if the landlord tries to accuse you of breaching the lease, you have a good defense. You should contact your bank and get copies of all of your checks indorsed by the landlord to use as evidence that he accepted your tenancy.

Mind you, more lies per square foot are told in court than anywhere else but church. And landlords suffer more amnesia than soap opera starlets. Just because you have a good defense to an eviction doesn’t mean the landlord won’t try to boot you out.

I’d like to take my husband off our rental agreement because he left and refuses to pay rent. How can I do that without having hassles from my landlord that I can afford to live in my apartment on one earning? Do I have to enter into a new lease, with a new rent? I’m on the lease now, and the building is protected under rent control, (if that matters.)

It does matter that your tenancy is rent controlled. The just cause eviction provisions of the Rent Ordinance allow your lease to continue on a month to month basis because you can only be evicted for one of the 16 just causes. The Rent Ordinance also provides that your rent can only be increases by the allowable annual increase.

If you are named on the lease you probably don’t have to do anything. You certainly do not have to sign a new lease with a new rent. Rent Board Rules and Regulations §12.20 specifically prohibits a landlord from endeavoring to evict a tenant based on a breach of a term in a lease that “was unilaterally imposed by the landlord and not agreed to by the tenant and either was not included, or is not materially the same as an obligation or covenant in the rental agreement mutually agreed to by the parties.” A new rent amount, unless it is lower, will qualify as such a term. How many times has your landlord tried to lower your rent?

Read your lease. If there is a term requiring you to notify the landlord that your husband moved, do so. Other than that, you should be fine.

Call the Tenant Lawyers now for a free consultation.
(415) 552-9060

The Eviction Shuffle: Should I Dance?

The Eviction Shuffle: Should I Dance?

The Eviction Shuffle: Should I Dance?

Ok, are you ready to dance? Before we start, one more thing: Notices have to be in writing. The landlord cannot simply tell you to get out. The landlord must include a copy of the notice in an unlawful detainer complaint. He can’t simply testify at trial that he told you to leave.

Unfortunately an eviction defense is not an impromptu dance. It is rigidly constructed and while many of the steps are optional, if you’re going to become the belle of the ball, that is win, you should learn to perform as many of the steps as possible. In a nutshell, you are going to need to know these steps: learn the rules; learn the law; strategy; pre-answer motions; the answer; jury demand; defenses; interrogatories; inspection demands; requests for admissions; depositions; relevant evidence; negotiation; settlement conferences; stipulations; settlement agreements; jury instructions; jury selection; trial; judgment and stay of execution. Daunting? Heck, these are only the very basics. In law treatises and practice guides, there are thousands and thousands of pages written on each of these subjects. There are thousands of variations and combinations of these steps. And there are a few thousand more steps I didn’t mention.

Should I dance? Can I win?

Before you decide on your strategy to defend an eviction, you should ask yourself, “Can I win this?” If you believe you can’t win because you haven’t paid your rent in six months and live in a below market rent palace where the landlord responds to your every whim, you might want to think about an exit strategy. On the other hand, if you paid one day late and there have been notices of violation for no heat on your unit for decades, you might want to consider going all in.

The two scenarios above are relatively easy to evaluate. When the facts are relatively clear, cases often settle because neither party wants to spend the resources, time or energy to litigate. The vast majority of cases that are litigated are won and lost on disputed facts. You know the old saw, “There are two sides to every story?” Guess what? There are at least two sides to every story. If you add a few testifying witnesses you can usually come up with many more. You may think you have an ironclad case, but you must carefully evaluate your landlord’s position and his ability to articulate that position.

Most lawyers understand that more lies are told in court than almost anywhere else.

You owe it to yourself to call a lawyer or ten to evaluate your chances of success defending an eviction. I think one of the best services I can provide for my potential clients is to point out the weaknesses of their case before they step into an eviction war. I say war, because that is what your relationship with your landlord has become, a war. They say all is fair in love and war. I believe that all war is based on keeping or acquiring land, regardless of the propaganda. (They don’t call it the “homeland” for nothing.) Therefore, I understand that a landlord will do almost anything to protect his land in an unlawful detainer case. He will lie. He will fabricate documents. He will forge your signature. He will accuse you of doing the same. And he will swear that all of those things are true, under oath, in court. Most lawyers understand more lies are told in court than almost anywhere else. I call that the lies per square foot factor.

So I try to question my clients thoroughly. When they make a statement, I always ask, “How can you prove that?” “Do you have that in writing?” Who was with you when you said that?” “How can you prove that the landlord is lying?” I point out that many of the landlord’s past bad actions may be irrelevant. And on and on… You must prepare yourself by trying, however stinky they are, to step into the landlord’s shoes. I should add that, legally, the landlord has the burden to prove his accusations in an unlawful detainer. But I think you need to be much more prepared than to just deny his accusations.

If you have a tenants union in your area, call or drop by to see them to help you evaluate your case. The San Francisco Tenants Union is open most days of the week. Check their weekly schedule online.

The dance. Is it worth it?

Make a business decision based on a cost/benefits analysis. Is keeping your apartment worth spending thousands of dollars on an attorney to defend your eviction? Maybe, if your case is relatively strong and your rent is low and rent-controlled. Maybe, if you can recoup the fees you paid the attorney. Check your lease to see if there is a clause that provides that a prevailing party in a lawsuit on the contract is entitled to collect attorneys’ fees. That cuts both ways. If you lose, you will be liable for the landlord’s attorneys’ fees. If your rent is at market rate and you can easily find another place it may not be worth it.

Is it worth it to defend yourself? Again, make a business decision. Place a value on your time. Calculate your out-of-pocket costs. As you might imagine, litigating anything is very, very stressful. How will you hold up?

Landlord’s Shoes

I am just scratching the surface here. The decision to defend an unlawful detainer is extremely personal because your home is at stake. But always try to make a business decision rather than an emotional one. Remember, if you win, you get to keep your place and you get to keep your landlord.

Don’t default!

Whatever your decision, you should always answer the complaint and demand a jury trial. The only time you need not respond is if you already made a deal with your landlord that includes a timely dismissal and is in writing. In California you have five days to respond. Get on it.

Call the Tenant Lawyers now for a free consultation.
(415) 552-9060

The Eviction Shuffle: Notice

The Eviction Shuffle: Notice

The Eviction Shuffle: Notice

Unlawful detainer—sounds like a crime doesn’t it? I know I harp on this all the time, but for a long time it was a crime to offend the lord of the land, to deprive him of the proceeds from the land he worked so hard to inherit by not paying your rent. Even today, if a tenant loses at trial it is said she is guilty of unlawful detainer.

Unlawful detainer is the legal term for the lawsuit a landlord files to evict a tenant. If you are unfortunate enough to have been served with unlawful detainer papers in California, one of the documents is called a summons. NOTICE TO TENANT: That’s you! YOU ARE BEING SUED BY PLAINTIFF: Lou Sy Landlord. If you have these papers in your hands, you have been invited to attend a ball of sorts, usually held in grand building—the courthouse. You may not want to go, but attendance is mandatory. There you will be forced to learn a dance called the UD Shuffle. It’s not romantic or fun. It’s fast and furious and there are a lot of steps to learn.

Wait a minute, you say, I don’t deserve this. I don’t even know what I did to merit this invite. Before the landlord can sue you, he must first serve you with some kind of notice that you have done something wrong with regard to your tenancy or to ask you politely to leave in 30 or 60 days.

Notice to Quit (Move Out) or Vacate

In California, unless you live in a rent controlled jurisdiction like San Francisco, if you have a month-to-month tenancy, you can be asked to leave by the landlord serving a thirty-day notice to quit if you have lived in the unit less than one year; or a sixty-day notice if you have lived there more than a year. That’s it. If you’re not out, the landlord can sue you. If you have current lease, it’s an entirely different matter. Then the landlord has to have a cause to evict. Did you know that only two states, New Jersey and New Hampshire require that a landlord must have a just cause to evict? If that pisses you off, join Tenants Together, give them some dough or volunteer some time.

Notice to Pay or Quit

In California if you have not paid your rent, the landlord must give you one more chance to do so. He must serve you a three-day notice to pay or quit. If you cannot pay and you decide to move, if you’re gone in three days and have surrendered the premises (gave the landlord the keys and received a written receipt for them), the landlord cannot file an eviction action (lawsuit) against you. If you do not pay and you are not gone, you can expect to be sued. If you move the landlord can still sue you for back rent, but not in an unlawful detainer lawsuit.

Notice to Cure or Quit

This usually accompanies an allegation that you breached a term of your lease. You just couldn’t turn away that cute little kitten when you have a “no pets” clause. The new 40 megawatt home theater cracked a few windows. The colorful flower boxes you installed make the cheap galvanized siding of the loft (in the country they call them barns) look shabby, violating the no-alteration clause. The landlord will give you a chance to take the cat to the pound, turn it down or toss the petunias. If you don’t within the prescribed time on the notice, you can be sued.

Notice to Quit

The landlord is calling you a nuisance or accusing you of using the premises for an illegal purpose. The wine tasting got a little unruly…again… and one of your guests tossed the TV out the front window…again. The SWAT team confiscated your Maui, Zowy, Wowy. Or, seriously, you repainted the place after 30 years of landlord neglect and violated the no alteration clause in your lease and now you can’t unpaint it. I love reading these notices (unless they’re true). A lot of landlord attorneys are frustrated novelists and they can really shine when they write these. Whether they’re true or not, if the landlord serves you a notice to quit and you don’t move, you can be sued in unlawful detainer.

Notice to Evict for a Just Cause

In rent controlled jurisdictions you can also be served a notice to quit for a just cause that isn’t your fault. The landlord wants to move from his Pacific Heights mansion to your leaky, one-bedroom in the Tenderloin. The landlord wants to remodel your apartment. Your unit is illegal and now, after you’ve lived there for twelve years, the landlord wants to remove it from the rental market. In San Francisco there are 16 just causes. If you don’t get out at the end of the notice period, often sixty days, you can be sued in unlawful detainer.

Don’t Do Nothing

Alright, you didn’t do what the landlord says you did; or he’s just trying to get you out for an ulterior reason; or you paid in cash and the landlord didn’t give you a receipt. No matter. You have been sued in unlawful detainer. Contrary to popular belief, the process is fast. In legal parlance it’s called a summary proceeding, meaning a UD is the fastest procedure of all. If you do nothing, the sheriff could be knocking at your door in a couple of weeks.

You gotta learn how to dance!

Call the Tenant Lawyers now for a free consultation.
(415) 552-9060