Can My (Troll) Landlord Give A 24-Hour Notice That Lasts All Week?
Landlord trolls with a Caligula complex are particularly dangerous because many of them are richer than god and they have a divinity delusion to boot.
My Living Room Is Covered In Lead Paint Dust
The Environmental Protection Agency has very stringent requirements for renovation projects that could be contaminated with lead.
My Building Has Turned Into A Den Of Crime
You evidently don’t understand a basic tenet of life in the United States of America. If you’re poor, you must live in a crime-ridden shit hole.
Do I Have To Hang A “Do Not Flush Tampons” Sign In My Bathroom?
There isn’t a law anywhere that allows a landlord to require a “Do Not Flush Tampons” sign in a residential dwelling.
Does My Landlord Need To Reimburse Me When I Can’t Use The Garage?
I think that a court would see the loss of the garage for two days as a reasonable loss of use.
How Do I Get My Landlord To Fix The Elevator?
Elevators are very expensive to repair and/or replace. Most landlords would rather use a duct tape and bubblegum approach than spend the dough to do the job correctly.
Does My Landlord Need To Clean My Chimney?
If you are using the fireplace correctly and smoke is still billowing into your apartment, then it looks like a chimney cleaning is in order.
Should I Rent An Apartment That’s In Bad Shape?
Do you rent the unit, despite it’s relatively minor problems, or do you point them out to your prospective landlord and risk losing an opportunity to rent a reasonably priced apartment?
Is My Landlord Required To Replace My 25-Year-Old Carpet?
You can always ask the landlord for his permission to paint or upgrade the carpet yourself. I rarely recommend that a tenant upgrade a landlord’s property, but small fixes and new paint may be justifiable because the benefits may justify the cost.