Tenant Troubles
Can I Break My Lease Due To My Insane Landlord And High Cats?
Is there a legal way to break our lease quickly? The landlord doesn’t know we’re leaving yet and I know if he thinks I wrote this letter he will find a way to hurt me. Seriously.
Our Landlord’s Sawing Is Making Life Miserable
You have an opportunity to be powerful here. I’m not talking about the power of, “I’m going to sue your ass.” I’m talking about the power of genuine human interaction.
My Landlord Won’t Let My Boyfriend Move In
Your landlord may not be required to give you permission to let your boyfriend move in.
Is My New Husband Going To Get Me Evicted?
It’s never a good idea to try to backpedal to get a landlord’s consent to the addition of a roommate after the roommate has moved in. Follow the rules before you add a roommate.
I Need To Swap Girlfriends (On My Lease)
The days of simply replacing your roommate without the landlord’s involvement are long gone. Many tenants don’t realize this.
My Former Landlord Won’t Return My Security Deposit Or Call Me Back
If every tenant in California wrote to his or her state legislators every time a landlord ripped off a security deposit, maybe the law could be re-written to reflect proactive preventions enacted by many other states.
Does A Mistake In My Lease Give Me Free Rent?
This is just a mistake in the drafting of the lease. You’re not going to get a free month’s rent. You should, however, be able to point out the mistake to get out a month early.
There’s A Mouse In My (Boarding) House
If you think that living with roommates is a pain in the ass, try living in a boarding house.
How Do I Get My Deposit Back If My Building’s In Foreclosure?
The banks and owners will all tell you that your security deposit is, poof, gone, up in smoke. Not true.