Security Deposits
My Former Landlord Won’t Return My Security Deposit Or Call Me Back
If every tenant in California wrote to his or her state legislators every time a landlord ripped off a security deposit, maybe the law could be re-written to reflect proactive preventions enacted by many other states.
How Do I Get My Deposit Back If My Building’s In Foreclosure?
The banks and owners will all tell you that your security deposit is, poof, gone, up in smoke. Not true.
Surprise! You’re Not Getting Your Deposit Back!
Often the landlord or his representative will show up at the small claims hearing and deny that the inspection ever took place.
My Landlord Filed For Bankruptcy, Is My Deposit Gone Forever?
I know my old landlord has filed for bankruptcy. He did not return my security deposit after I moved out. Can I get my money back?
Losing Your Security Deposit For Subletting?
The fact that the tenant was, arguably, an illegal subletter has absolutely nothing to do with the refund of his security deposit
Does My Landlord Owe Me Interest For My Security Deposit?
Someone recently told me that in San Francisco, a landlord is supposed to give tenants a yearly check for the interest accrued on their security deposit.
My Landlord Says He’s Bankrupt, So How Do I Get My Deposit Back?
II sent over a demand letter asking for my deposit to be mailed by a certain date, and just yesterday I received an email from the landlord stating that he’s bankrupt.
Sue For Security Deposit Or SOL?
The landlord refused to return my deposit on the many occasions that I demanded it, with no explanation. I have even attempted to contact the main management company with no luck.
Grand Theft Security Deposit Redux
Is it true that 71% of all tenants have been ripped off in some amount by their landlords? It is clear from my experience, and other news accounts, that landlords steal tenants’ security deposits.