Tenant Troubles
My Landlord Died, Am I About To Lose My Apartment?
Like the unicorn, rent controlled apartments are mythical and fast becoming extinct, especially when they become objects of desire for Twitter-motherfuckers and bubble-headed investors.
How Much Do I Have To Help The Realtor Who Wants To Evict Me?
Realtors–irrefutable proof that the United States is not a meritocracy. Between the lies, the drivel and the nonsensical notion that real estate agents are professionals, these guys make lawyers look good.
When Can My Landlord Ask For My Annual Rent Increase?
Your one-year lease guarantees your rent for one year, not 11 months. This is even true in Bakersfield and Yuba City!
My Building Has Turned Into A Den Of Crime
You evidently don’t understand a basic tenet of life in the United States of America. If you’re poor, you must live in a crime-ridden shit hole.
My Landlord Said I Could Add Roommates, Then Changed His Mind
You should read Rules & Regulations §6.15B and follow the steps provided each time you want to add new roommates.
Will The Board Of Supes’ Soft-Story Retrofit Requirement End Up Costing Me A Bundle?
Like the issue of soft-story retrofits, the San Francisco capital improvements Ordinance and Rules are complicated and dense.
Do I Have To Hang A “Do Not Flush Tampons” Sign In My Bathroom?
There isn’t a law anywhere that allows a landlord to require a “Do Not Flush Tampons” sign in a residential dwelling.
I Think We Have A Squatter In Our Garage
Strictly speaking, squatters do not need to be formally evicted, that is served with notice and sued in unlawful detainer.
My (Ex) Girlfriend’s Moving Out, Will My Rent Be Going Up?
The landlord cannot increase your rent because you are an original tenant on the lease even if the girlfriend is moving.