Tenant Troubles
If you negotiate a buyout with your landlord, you don’t want to be the tenant plummeting off the cliff. That is why we will help you if you decide to take a buyout.
Rents Are Dropping, Can I Renegotiate?
How should I negotiate? Write a letter now or wait until lease renewal on 3-1-10, when it goes month to month? I love the building and I am a great tenant. Help!
Happy New Year, For Tenants Nothing’s Changed!
Unfortunately, 2009 proved for many big-city tenants that the golden rule was promiscuously traded for gold. Why would 2010 be any different?
Are Broken Elevators Against The Law?
The elevator at my building has been out of order for more than a month, and we have no indication that repairs will take place anytime soon.
Ant Infestation
Ants are omnivorous, industrious, well-organized little creatures that could devour the whole world if they were as large as say, golden retrievers. They are also smart enough to go inside when it gets cold.
How Can I Get My Landlord To Consistently Heat My Apartment?
You should not have to heat your apartment with your oven. That’s the bottom line here. It’s dangerous, expensive and while it is not per se illegal, if you start a fire, you’re going to get blamed for it.
Tenants, Thugs and CDOs
A local tale of unmitigated greed and the criminal enterprise of one family of thugs to corner the residential real estate market in San Francisco, buying large rent controlled buildings and ousting long-term tenants by any means possible led to the shady world of collateralized debt obligations, derivatives and the real villains.
How Do I Get Affordable Heat?
I live in an apartment that does not have adequate heating. It is really drafty and the building is old so it does not keep out the cold.
Prohibited Pets Could Put You In The Doghouse
You are in breach of your lease and could be evicted for having your pooch because it seems like the lease has a clear “no pets” provision.